Course description

Our bodies are meant to move - every day. Every part of our health and vitality is affected by our movement - or lack of it. Muscle contractions are needed to pump blood and lymph through the body against gravity, ensuring better immune system function. Quality movement and balanced muscular development protects joints and improves posture to reduce pain and prevent injury. Most importantly, quality movement is key to brain function.

Motor control lives in the frontal lobe of the brain. So does decision making, will power, behavior change and cognition. When you train the brain for improved motor control you are improving frontal lobe function --- and all these areas of your life are improved. Simply put: move better, feel better, think better.

The Daily Dose is a series of short workouts - between 10 to 20 mins - meant to be done daily. The videos are progressive, well-organized and highly effective combinations of Pilates, Pilates Dance-Based Toning and brain training for better movement. The sequencing is intentional and meant to be followed in order five days at a time. Use this challenge to build the foundation of a daily practice that will transform not just your body, but your life.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Foundation: Day 1 to 30

    • 1. Core Work - Deep Core Innervation (17 min)

    • 2.Pilates DBT - Hip Movement Basics (22 min)

    • 3. Arm Workout and Shoulder Movement Basics (11 min) Theraband

    • 4. Core Work - Pelvic Floor and TVA Activation (18 min)

    • 5. Pilates DBT - Hip and Glute Isokenetic Strength (21 min) Theraband

    • 6. Pilates DBT - Standing Abdominal and Arm Work (10 min) 2 to 3 lb arm weights

  • 2

    Integration: Day 31 to 60

    • 7. Core Work - Spine Health (17 min)

    • 8. Core Work - Pilates with Hip Focus (18 min)

    • 9. Pilates DBT - Integrating Hip Work and Spine Movement (22 min) leg weights

    • 10. Pilates DBT - Core and Hip Toning Supine (16 min)

    • 11. Pilates DBT - Glute activation and sculpt (12 min) Ring

    • 12. Pilates DBT - Isokinetic Hip and Core Work (16 min) Theraband

  • 3

    Challenge: 60 to 90

    • 13. Core Work - Full Body Pilates (16 min)

    • 14.Pilates DBT: Full Body Integration with Hip Focus (21 min) Towel

    • 15. Standing Arms and Abs (12 min) 2 to 3 lb Arm Weights

    • 16. Dynamic Arm Work with Full Body Integration (17 min) theraband

    • 17. Pilates DBT - Full Body Integration with Ab focus (17 min)

    • 18. Pilates DBT - Full Body Integration with glute focus